Just as moving can be stressful for humans, it can also be a challenging time for pets. Our expertise and compassionate approach to moving have made us a trusted partner for many pet owners embarking on a new chapter.

How MyProMovers & Storage Makes Moving with Your Furry Friends Easier

Relocating with pets requires thoughtful preparation and understanding. Pets can sense changes in their environment and may become anxious with the arrival of the profesional packing service or the sudden emptying of familiar spaces. Recognizing these changes, MyProMovers & Storage offers specialized services to alleviate the stress of moving on your pets. From providing tips on how to maintain your pet's routine to ensuring a pet-friendly moving experience, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Pre-Move Preparations: Setting the Stage for a Smooth Transition

Understanding Your Pet's Needs

Just like people, pets respond to their environment. It's crucial to watch for signs of stress in your pets, such as changes in eating habits, excessive grooming, or withdrawn behavior. You can help mitigate these stressors by:

  • Keeping your pet's routine as normal as possible leading up to the move.
  • Gradually introducing your pet to their carrier or the car if they're not used to traveling.
  • Spending extra time with them, providing reassurance through attention and play.

Vet Visits and Health Checks

Before the move, schedule a visit to your veterinarian. This appointment is an opportunity to:

  • Ensure your pet is up-to-date on vaccinations.
  • Obtain a copy of your pet's medical records to take with you.
  • Discuss any travel-related concerns, such as motion sickness or anxiety.

Finding a Pet-Friendly Home

When house hunting, factor in your pet's needs. Look for features like a secure fence, proximity to parks, and a comfortable, safe space for your pet. If you're renting, verify the pet policy to avoid any surprises.

Packing a Pet Essentials Bag

Prepare an easily accessible bag containing your pet's necessities, including:

  • Food and water bowls
  • Enough food and treats for several days
  • Medications and first aid supplies
  • Familiar toys and bedding to provide comfort

The Journey: Keeping Your Pet Safe and Comfortable

No matter how you plan to travel, ensuring your pet's safety is paramount.

Choosing the Right Mode of Transportation

Whether you're driving, flying, or using another mode of transport, consider what will be most comfortable for your pet. If driving:

  • Ensure pets are safely secured in a carrier or with a vehicle pet safety belt.
  • Plan for frequent stops to let your pet stretch, relieve themselves, and drink water.

If flying:

  • Check the airline's pet policy in advance.
  • Choose a direct flight if possible to reduce stress on your pet.
  • Ensure your pet's carrier meets airline specifications.

Safety Measures During Transit

During the journey, your pet's well-being is your priority. Maintain a calm demeanor to help reassure your pet, and keep them in their carrier or safely restrained within the vehicle at all times.

Settling In: Helping Your Pet Adjust to the New Home

The real work begins once you arrive at your new home. Pets, like people, need time to adjust to new surroundings, smells, and sounds. Here's how to make their transition as smooth as possible:

The First Day in Your New Home

The first day will be the most overwhelming for your pet, so it's crucial to:

  • Immediately set up a space with their bed, toys, and familiar items to make them feel secure.
  • Keep them in a quiet room away from the moving chaos as you unload and set up.
  • Gradually introduce them to other areas of the house once they seem comfortable.

Establishing a New Routine

Routine offers pets a sense of security, so it's vital to:

  • Quickly return to regular feeding, walking, and play times.
  • Explore your new neighborhood for walking routes and parks that you and your pet will enjoy.
  • If necessary, begin training your pet to adapt to any new rules for the home or environment.

Post-Move Pet Care: Ensuring Long-Term Wellbeing

Once settled, it's essential to focus on your pet's long-term health and happiness in their new environment.

Finding a New Vet and Updating Records

One of your first tasks should be to find a reputable vet in your new area and schedule a visit to:

  • Introduce your pet to their new vet.
  • Update any vaccines if needed.
  • Transfer your pet's medical records from your previous vet.

Observing Your Pet's Behavior

Changes in behavior can signal that your pet is struggling to adjust. Keep an eye out for:

  • Prolonged anxiety or depression.
  • Any changes in eating or sleeping habits.
  • Aggression or fearfulness that wasn't present before.

Moving with Pets Made Easier with MyProMovers & Storage

Moving with pets doesn't have to be a stressful ordeal. With proper preparation, a focus on safety and comfort during the journey, and attention to helping your pet adjust to the new home, you can ensure a smooth transition for the entire family. Remember, MyProMovers & Storage is here to help every step of the way, providing the resources and support you need for a successful move.